“The skill that I see in great filmmakers, I now see in Kojima-san’s work… it’s all there, all in the service of giving an audience an intense experience.” - George Miller on Death Stranding pic.twitter.com/H2usTEP73I— IGN (@IGN) 25 Ekim 2019
“The skill that I see in great filmmakers, I now see in Kojima-san’s work… it’s all there, all in the service of giving an audience an intense experience.” - George Miller on Death Stranding pic.twitter.com/H2usTEP73I
BSC Misafiri
27.10.2019 20:44:35
27.10.2019 20:44:30
27.10.2019 20:44:04
27.10.2019 20:43:56
27.10.2019 20:43:55
İdrak İstimlak
27.10.2019 13:46:49
27.10.2019 12:26:16
27.10.2019 11:41:02
27.10.2019 03:33:00
27.10.2019 01:11:40
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26.10.2019 21:28:41
26.10.2019 21:13:04
quote:Orjinalden alıntı: TheNewAtilla G. Miller oyunu oynayıp bitirmiş mi neye göre övmüş anlayamadım
26.10.2019 21:12:58
26.10.2019 21:12:35
26.10.2019 21:12:17
26.10.2019 20:15:22
26.10.2019 19:22:00
26.10.2019 18:43:11
26.10.2019 18:27:40
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26.10.2019 17:49:28
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