Bu Hafta Çıkacak Oyunlar (1 Haziran - 7 Haziran)
Özgür Eroğlu
2 Haziran Salı
3 Haziran Çarşamba
Awesome Pea 2
(Xbox One, Switch)
Depth of Extinction
(Xbox One)
4 Haziran Perşembe
Tour de France 2020
(PS4, Xbox One)
Depth of Extinction
5 Haziran Cuma
(Xbox One, Switch)
The Outer Worlds
Cyber Protocol
(PC, Xbox One)
The Sims 4: Eco Lifestyle
(PS4, Xbox One, PC)
Strawberry Vinegar
We Were Here Together
(Xbox One)
Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio
(Xbox One)
Rigid Force Redux
(Switch, Xbox One)
Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics
Command & Conquer Remastered Collection