James Gunn'dan, Karantinada İzlenebilecek 54 Aksiyon Filmi Önerisi

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The Suicide Squad ve Guardians of the Galaxy filmlerinin yönetmeni olan James Gunn, şahsi Twitter hesabı üzerinden karantinada izlenebilecek 54 aksiyon filmi önerdi.
Oldukça popüler olan filmler genellikle listede bulunsa da çok bilinmeyen aksiyon filmleri de listede yer alıyor. Tüm filmleri aşağıda bulabilirsiniz:
Kung Fu Hustle (2004)
The Matrix (1999)
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
Die Hard (1988)
Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
JSA: Joint Security Area (2000)
Elite Squad: The Enemy Within (2010)
Lady Vengeance (2005)
Mission: Impossible – Fallout (2018)
Bullitt (1868) 
North by Northwest (1959)
The Yellow Sea (2010)
The Raid: Redemption (2012)
Hero (2002)
Night Watch (2004)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000)
Taken (2008)
The Heroic Trio (1993)
The French Connection (1971)
Robocop (1987)
The Killer (1989)
The Legend of Drunken Master (1994)
The Legend (Fong Sai Yuk) (1993)
Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)
Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003)
The Villainess (2017)
Revenge (2018)
Crank (2006)
Kingsman: The Secret Service (2015)
Escape from New York (1981)
Battle Royale (2000)
Full Contact (1992)
Oldboy (2005)
Thunderball (1965)
La Femme Nikita (1990)
Leon: The Professional (1994)
Magnum Force (1973)
Speed (1994)
Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
’71 (2014)
Payback (theatrical cut) (1999)
Equilibrium (2002)
John Wick (2014)
Mesrine: Killer Instinct (2008)
Mesrine: Public Enemy #1 (2008)
Where Eagles Dare (1968)
Ms. 45 (1981)
Green Snake (1993)
Captain Phillips (2013)
Seven Samurai (1954)
Rolling Thunder (1977)
The Wild Bunch (1969)
V for Vendetta (2006)
Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)