Command & Conquer'den Yeni Görseller Yayınlandı Uncharted 3'ün Multiplayerı Free to Play Oluyor

Blizzard'ın 'Farklı' Bir Duyurusu Var

26.02.2013 18:39 - Samet Konuksal

    Geçtiğimiz gün gerçekleştirilen PlayStation 4 duyurusuyla birlikte Diablo 3'ü konsollara getiren Blizzard, yeni bir duyuruya daha hazırlanıyor. Yapılan açıklamalara göre Blizzard, 'farklı' duyurular yapacak.
    Basın mensuplarına gönderilen davetiyede tarih olarak PAX East dönemi işaret ediliyor. Davetiyede yer alan bilgilere göre bu duyuru bir devam oyunu, bir ek paket veya söylentileri dolaşan yeni nesil MMO oyunuyla ilgili olmasa da, Blizzard'ın bize göstermek için heyecanlandığı bir şey.
    22-24 Mart tarihlerinde düzenlenecek olan fuarda neyin duyurulacağını gerçekten merak ediyoruz. Tamamen yeni bir IP olabilir mi?

World of Warcraft Blizzard wow mmorpg blizzard pax east
Command & Conquer'den Yeni Görseller Yayınlandı Paylaş Uncharted 3'ün Multiplayerı Free to Play Oluyor
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siberarmi - 3.4.2013 13:57:19 0
Titan projesi ile ilgili şöyle bir sızıntı var, ne kadar güvenilir tartışılır tabi.

OK, here we go. I've been sitting on this info for more than a week, not only to do my absolute best to verify it, but also because I didn't want to publish the article before or during the April Fools craze. So let's begin!

Leak Validity
It's always hard to be sure about something like this, but I'm extremely confident about this one. The source is someone with firsthand info that I've personally talked with extensively and has provided solid info (names, photos, detailed description as to how and why he knows what he knows) to validate him/her self. There is always the chance that it's someone playing a silly prank, but this one would be a very elaborate one. I'm giving it a 95% chance to be true.

As always, what I'll report here are his/ hers conclusions of what (s)he's seen, so this can always deviate a bit from the truth, but not because of wrong intentions from either of us. Also, please don't draw any definitive conclusions about the game from this. It's a very rough sketch that might not even be entirely accurate. Disclaimers aside, let's get into the juicy stuff!

Game Universe

It's based on Earth's history, but also includes a high amount of fiction. It will have a "deep history", just as Warcraft and Starcraft.

They're intending to include many Warcraft elements into Titan's world. Mostly Easter Eggs, but can also extend to entire characters being ported into the new game, one way or another.

There will be a lot of Time Travel.

When it comes to weapons, we'll have almost everything at our disposal, from magic to guns.

Heavy use of Greek, Roman and Viking myths.

They've invited some established writers (Richard A. Knaak for example) to help with the storyline.


It's an MMORPG. We'll play from a 3rd person view, but there will also be a first person view during "events". No extra clarification as to the nature of these events could be given.

TAB targeting in combat.

It will benefit from a completely new game engine.

Graphics will be in the established "Blizzard style".

Primarily a PC game, but next-gen consoles are still being considered. Probably after launch, as with D3.

Expected 12+ PEGI.

It's designed with eSports in mind. They will try to grow it into a successful eSport.

There will be "clan" housing. No details on player-housing.

Last but not least, the game will have an Auction House. Nothing conclusive about a Real-

Money Auction House but it is possible. As an extra tidbit, Blizzard was also considering introducing a RMAH into WoW at one point, but apparently not anymore.


150 developers working on it now. Last we've been told, in September last year, there were just a bit over 100, so the team is growing at a nice pace, quickly becoming the biggest one. They're about to bring new Community Managers into the team and some testers that will be needed in the near future. Many of the new team members have come from Blizzard's other projects.

English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish localization now. More will come during beta.

They were considering implementing easy in-game recording at one point, unsure of the state of this at the moment.

BLIZZCON 2013 - Titan Teaser, details on expansions for all other major franchises (SC2, D3, WoW). There will be other small Titan teasers at the event but nothing major. They don't want to show any game-play until they have a solid date for beta.

Speaking of which, current plan is to open Family & Friends testing (Alpha stage basically) in Q1 2014.

The game has a name already that has been changed multiple times over the course of the development process. Unknown unfortunately.

They're going full-out when it comes to the soundtrack. Each zone will have its own song, and the songs will vary vastly in type, rhythm. We've reported before that Jason Hayes has returned to Blizzard, so this is definitely not surprising.

That's about it. There are no mind blowing statements here, but I think the chances are very high that for the first time since we found out about Project Titan, we have a solid starting platform on which we can base our expectations and speculation.

Maybe even more than usual, I'm extremely curious to hear what you think about this!
Dexstz - 27.2.2013 16:18:33 0
Hadi bakalım
igonam - 27.2.2013 08:45:59 0
D3 Expansion
Shely - 27.2.2013 02:24:01 +4
WOW: Mist of kanguru !
MxFxOx - 27.2.2013 00:46:50 0
yeni bir efsane geliyor desenize
Wroclaw. - 26.2.2013 20:01:34 0

Orijinalden alıntı: MALTHAEL

TİTAN projeleri var fakat onuda san ki blizzcon da duyururlarmış gibime geliyor. Neyse sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum . Benim blizzarda güvenim tam ne çıkartırlarsa çıkartrsınlar gider ilk alanlardan olurum .

Hoid - 26.2.2013 19:14:26 +3
TİTAN projeleri var fakat onuda san ki blizzcon da duyururlarmış gibime geliyor. Neyse sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum . Benim blizzarda güvenim tam ne çıkartırlarsa çıkartrsınlar gider ilk alanlardan olurum .
Curtius - 26.2.2013 18:49:53 0
Yeni bir fikri mülk olur işallah. Ama öyle bir duyuruyu PAX'ta yapmazlar kendi BlizzCon'ları dururken.
    Siz de aşağıdaki form aracılığıyla yorum yapabilirsiniz.
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