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Call of Duty: Ghosts'un Başarımları Ortaya Çıktı

     Her sene olduğu gibi, bu sene de kasım ayının başlarında çıkış yapacak olan Call of Duty serisinin yeni oyunu Ghosts'a ait başarımlar(achievement'lar) yayınlandı.
     50 adet olan toplamda 1000 puan kazanabileceğiniz başarımlar arasında gizli olanlar da yer almakta. Bu başarımları açmak için oyunu oynamaya devam etmelisiniz. Ayrıca bu başarımlar arasında oyunun senaryosuna ait detaylar bulunabilir, o yüzden SPOILER olabileceği hatırlatmamızı yapalım.
Ghost Stories (5 points)
Escape. (Complete "Ghost Stories" on any difficulty.)

Spatial Awareness (10 points)
Kill your first enemy in the Call of Duty® Ghosts campaign.

Brave New World (10 points)
Rendez-vous in Fort Santa Monica. (Complete "Brave New World" on any difficulty.)

Liberty Wall (10 points)
Take down both attack helicopters in Brave New World.

No Man's Land (10 points)
Make it to San Diego. (Complete "No Man's Land" on any difficulty.)

Blimey O'Riley (10 points)
Pounce on 10 enemies whilst controlling Riley.

Struck Down (10 points)
Find Ajax. (Complete "Struck Down" on any difficulty.)

Waste Not (10 points)
Every shot with the remote sniper kills a person or vehicle.

Homecoming (10 points)
Defend LA. (Complete "Homecoming" on any difficulty.)

Go Ugly Early (10 points)
A-10 strafe 50 enemies.

Legends Never Die (10 points)
Hunt down Almagro. (Complete "Legends Never Die" on any difficulty.)

It Came from Below! (10 points)
Kill 6 enemies with the knife while underwater in "Legends Never Die".

Federation Day (10 points)
Gather intel on Rorke. (Complete "Federation Day" on any difficulty.)

Sleeping Beauty (10 points)
Kill sleeping enemy in face down rappel section

Carbon Faceprint (10 points)
Catch the photocopier with your face.

Birds of Prey (10 points)
Capture Rorke (Complete "Birds of Prey" on any difficulty.)

Burn Baby Burn (25 points)
Destroy 80 fuel containers.

The Hunted (25 points)
Make it out alive (Complete "The Hunted" on any difficulty.)

Jungle Ghosts (25 points)
Finish the mission without breaking stealth.

Clockwork (25 points)
Hack the system (Complete "Clockwork" on any difficulty.)

Deep Freeze (25 points)
Drop 8 vehicles into ice holes.

Atlas Falls (25 points)
Distract the Federation Fleet. (Complete "Atlas Falls" on any difficulty.)

Grindin' (40 points)
Blow the pressure valves on your first attempt.

Piece of cake (100 points)
Storm the common room and kill everyone without taking damage on Veteran.

Into the Deep (20 points)
Destroy the enemy ship (Complete "Into The Deep" on any difficulty.)

David & Goliath (20 points)
Take down the LCS on the first go.

End of the Line (20 points)
Storm the factory (Complete "End of the Line" on any difficulty.)

Cog in the machine (35 points)
Kill 5 enemies without being detected before infiltrating Black Zone.

Sin City (20 points)
Plan your next move. (Complete "Sin City" on any difficulty.)

Jack-pot (20 points)
Destroy 21 slot machines.

All or nothing (20 points)
Gather the troops. (Complete "All or Nothing" on any difficulty.)

End of your rope (20 points)
Cut a grappling hook rope with an enemy on it.

Severed Ties (20 points)
Destroy the Federation's satellite array. (Complete "Severed Ties" on any difficulty.)

Fly-by-wire (20 points)
Take out 3 out of 3 helicopters with the remote missile.

Loki (20 points)
Commandeer the enemy space station. (Complete "Loki" on any difficulty.)

They look like ants (20 points)
Destroy all enemy ground targets and kill no allies with the rods.

The Ghost Killer (20 points)
Confront Rorke (Complete "The Ghost Killer" on any difficulty.)

Tickets please (20 points)
Shoot the grapple guys off the side of the train.

Audiophile (15 points)
Collect all 18 Rorke files.

Safeguard (20 points)
Reach round 20 in Safeguard.

You've earned it (40 points)
Earn the mask. Finish the campaign on Veteran.

     Gizli Başarımlar

Secret Achievement (20 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (20 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (20 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (25 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (10 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (20 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (40 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (20 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Secret Achievement (10 points)
Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

Bu haberin bağlantısı
Call of Duty: Ghosts infinity ward FPS Activision Xbox 360 PS3 PC PS4 Xbox One başarım achievement
Knack'in Co-op Modu Onaylandı + Görseller Attack on Titan Oyunundan İlk Reklam
Yorumlar yeniden eskiye doğru listelenmektedir. Sıralamayı değiştirmek için sağdaki menüyü kullanabilirsiniz.

BSC Misafiri

26.9.2013 21:29:35


Orijinalden alıntı: BSC Misafiri bu gizli başarımlar ne cahillime soruyorum nasık kazanacağız onları
oyunu oynarken yapıyorsun mesala görevlere bakıyorsun (örnek) köpekle 5 helikopter düşürüyosun :D sonrada sag altta başarım kazandınız diyo tabi benimki örnek orda yazan başarımlara bakıp yapmaya çaışıyosun hepsi bu ^^


24.9.2013 04:30:44

Köpekle havada roket yakalama, f16 düşürme gibi yenilikler bekliyordum

BSC Misafiri

23.9.2013 16:18:04

Bir tane de ben ekleyeyim. -Same shit again! Use the same graphics engine for 10 years


23.9.2013 16:14:15

Hepsi singleplayer için sanırsam bunların.


23.9.2013 14:23:24


Orijinalden alıntı: BSC Misafiri bu gizli başarımlar ne cahillime soruyorum nasık kazanacağız onları
onlar oyun çıktıktan sonra belli olur, yani nasıl yapılacağı gizli olduğundan birileri açtıkça nasıl açıldığı nete düşecektir.


23.9.2013 13:34:09

Prestij simgelerini haç biçimde yapmasınlar kâfi.


23.9.2013 13:17:24

Zahmet edip çevirmemişler bile kopyala yapıştır ne güzel ..

BSC Misafiri

23.9.2013 11:09:36

bu gizli başarımlar ne cahillime soruyorum nasık kazanacağız onları
    Siz de aşağıdaki form aracılığıyla yorum yapabilirsiniz.
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